Game, intelligence, IQ, image match
The players writing about the game almost always have above-average intelligence, and it shows in their writing. This makes sense because you can't be a total dummy and develop high-level game skills. It's too complex to learn the skills, integrate the skills, practice the skills, and so on, for real dummies to do this. You have to plan and execute ideas. Some of the things you do may not bear fruit for many months or years (IQ, conscientious, and foresight are correlated). Diet and exercise discipline is hard and takes months or years to see results. You must learn from harsh rejections and cruel women. If you are too stupid to get feedback from women, incorporate the feedback, make changes, and try again, you will fail. The Internet is full of guys doing the same thing over and over again, then complaining about chicks.
We know quite a bit about food and nutrition but it takes time and energy to learn these things, which many people never do. I myself have spent thousands of dollars over the years on coaches, trainers, and physical therapy (to repair damage). These things are impractical for the ignorant... or just stupid. Someone bedazzled by images and unable to learn from reading is probably not going to execute the game effectively. Someone who likes playing video games to the detriment of the rest of his life, same problem.
Don't want to toot my own horn too much, but I have heard guys who get into this say there are fewer idiots than they expected. To be sure "smart" isn't everything and smart-enough people can have motivated reasoning problems. Krauser, to use one sample, suffers from a lot of motivated reasoning and racism but his overall IQ can't be so low. The racism and foolishly anti-immigrant sentiment is linked to his motivated reasoning; he often denies historical and scientific fact that conflicts with his racist, in-group views. Yet his overall IQ is evident from his writing.
Going back to the image match thing, some girls will not sleep with guys below some minimum IQ (or will do so very rarely and in exceptional circumstances, like sports heroes or very hot guys). I've had success with smart girls who won't f**k stupid guys but who are pretty... and they have a small market because plenty of "smart" guys (in a raw IQ sense) smarten themselves out of style, social skills, and game. Think about many engineers and programmers on the autism spectrum. So I can end up pressing a lot of those girls' buttons very quickly. Some pretty but smart girls have found me almost a relief from the basic guy, and while they are not super common themselves but I have found myself in a lot of situations where they congregate. Dumb girls will often f**k smart guys who are also fun and flirty, so smart guys with game can go down in IQ and still touch on the smarter girls.
It can go the other way, too... for long term relationships... after you have f**ked a girl a couple hundred times, maybe a thousand times... her physical beauty is just not going to be as important as it was the first time you saw her, the first time you got her nude, etc. It won't be unimportant but it won't matter as much. Her capacity to say surprising things, learn new things, etc.... that can continue for her entire lifespan. Smarter girls will also understand the importance of fitness and nutrition, and they will have the ability to understand that eating the ice cream today has important negative consequences tomorrow. The smartest people don't just take in, judge, and evaluate new information... they use that information effectively to make changes. Longer-term relationships work better with girls who are effective than girls who are ineffective. If you are an old enough guy, you have met hot girls, or once hot girls, who have lots of short and medium term relationships but can't seem to keep the guy. Sometimes the fact is that they are hot but vapid, so a man is happy to f**k her until he's bored of her. F**k a woman a sufficient number of times and you're likely not with her anymore just cause she's hot.
Our society does a poor job teaching guys what chicks want... so guys who want to really know, have to learn for ourselves, and from other guys. This is hard for guys who are blinded by advertising, video games, etc., or guys who are just dumb.