Funny, but evil
I was on Facebook (a mistake) and read one of those horrible rants by a "male feminist" saying that we should "believe all women," and I got an idea: every male feminist who writes that all women should be believed, etc. should have an anonymous denunciation of him posted online. Then it should be circulated, particularly at his workplace.
If this is done routinely, we'll quickly get rid of all the male feminists who say things like, "If you're not guilty, you have nothing to hide."
Players know about the concept of the misguided "white knight." This could be a form of "black knighting."
You cannot fight the current level of feminist irrationality regarding anonymous denunciation with rational argument (although maybe there are a few green shoots). When virtually every guy who is a male feminist b***h has an anonymous accusation out there, against him, we might see the value of those denunciations fall.
I have seriously thought about doing this with one guy in particular. The fact that it is evil stops me. The fact that he is a b***h tempts me. I am not advocating that this be done. But as a thought experiment it is interesting, right?