Could Instagram be becoming an important adjunct to game?
I'm at heart a pragmatist: I look at what works with chicks, then do that. For a long time, my impression has been that most social media use is a feminine, low-status move... as Nash says, "Instagram is for girls." As far as I can tell, minimal social media presence has been a net benefit to me, not a drawback, because chicks associate social media with their girlfriends and orbiter guys. Maybe some guys with stratospherically interesting lives have been able to leverage it, but if they have stratospherically interesting lives they probably don't need it, either.
This comes up because of a Twitter conversation between Nash and Seven Daygame, as well . Nash mentions the "no social media post" I linked above. He also says,
You have to look at WHY she said [Instagram]:
-- If she uses that as a "shit test," my line will help -- If she was not that into you... nothing will help
IG is a "holding cell for orbiters." I never want in there.
Sometimes I can show strength when I reject IG, and she'll like.
Another comment from Smirking Soldier. That's interesting, because in the last year or so, I have noticed more chicks trying to give me their Instagrams and more chicks talking about starting to date guys based on Instagram flirting (that post I linked is from two years ago... interesting... Guys badly want social media to work. Here’s why it (mostly) doesn’t is from this year).
A guy DM'ed me because I said that "It could be that this rule/principle is shifting." My net read is that Instagram is still a slight negative. But I'm now seeing chicks on it everywhere... when I glance at a girl holding a smartphone, she seems to be on it. I've heard some chicks say they're surprised when I say I think it's a waste of time... not good surprised, which can have an element of confusion to it... negative surprised, like they'd reply to someone who says he thinks deodorant is a capitalist conspiracy. Chicks I've slept with have been very eager to sign me up to follow their Instagram... which is fine, as I know they increase their follower count (seems to be important to them), while I don't interact beyond that.
So while I'm net negative on Instagram, I'm open to revision, and I have to be: if it turns out that Instagram is a form of social media that increases lays... then I guess I need to be working it harder. Guys are the sellers and girls are the buyers in the game... the only exceptions are guys who are so high-value that the market flips, like with famous guys. That's probably less than 1% of guys and I'm not in that 1%. For the rest of us, it's game, it's learning how to read the market and respond to it. If you run a failing business and the market doesn't appreciate what you're selling, it doesn't matter how badly you want to sell it or think the market should appreciate the product... the market has spoken.
It could be that guys working the "broadcast" model (they never interact with the chicks's accounts and let chicks reply to them) of social media are doing all right... that appears to be Seven and Smirking Soldier above.
I've also thought about posting erotic but not nude or pornographic stills from video cips (no girls's faces in them). Probably too explicit, but the thought has entered my mind before. A bit like the SnapChat in Game gambit. That might just screen chicks, though, leaving the ones who are horny or whatever. It will also piss off the women in the screen grabs, if they learn about this, which they might, even doing them as stories.
Game fundamentals are eternal, like masculinity, facing your fears, approaching the chicks, etc. But some aspects of the game change with the culture and technology. Could be that we're witnessing that change now.
Being adaptable is good. I'm not a huge fan of being a digital sharecropper, which seems to be what a lot of online systems encourage. But I'll do the things that increase the bang rate, and if that means Instagram, then damnit it's time to do it. The other thing, though, is that most of my everyday life... is just not super interesting. I work, I think, I read, I go to the gym. Most of it doesn't DHV. Except maybe to intellectual chicks, who are pretty rare.
So yeah. I'll also note that I did a little experiment over the last week or so, which has shaken some of my confidence about the relatively good state of the world. Story later.
I'm thinking about patterns... and in the last year, it may have changed, and I may not have changed with it (yet). Chicks adding me to Facebook has been a demonstration of interest for a long time, even though I don't use it much either.
The gap between demonstrating higher value, "DHV," and demonstrating lower value, "DLV" can be narrow (more narrow than some guys think). In my experience, no or little social media seems to have been a "DHV" for the last ten or so years. But if that shifts among the hotter young chicks... then it can become a DLV thing where you're a weirdo for not doing what "everyone else" does. Sometimes, not doing what everyone else does is good... not eating sugar, hitting the weights, interacting with real people in real life... those are things not everyone does that are good. But the deodorant example above is bad. Refusing to get a real job because you want to be true to your "authentic self" by living at home with your parents is typically bad. Etc. And these things can shift. Being a dirty grunge rocker in 1990-1995 seems to have been cool and possibly a path to getting laid. Not so much today.
Earlier today I met a friend for coffee... had two very good interactions with chicks who seemed into me but claimed boyfriends... but they were very pleasant, even in what is technically a rejection. The contrast w/ online is startling. My buddy is in the non-mono community... lower SMV than me, if I can be honest / possibly an asshole. There was an older-but-not-old woman there too, with her big fake tits hanging out, and I left to leave my friend time to get her number. He didn't... lacks killer instinct... after she left I asked him about it and he said that being in the community makes him lazy. This is probably true, although lazy and cowardly can be pretty close together too, like DHV and DLV. I have my cowardly moments... but I have enough game and enough underlying value to get the multiplier effect going, by bringing new chicks into the non-mono community. Leveraging both game and the non-mono community has led me to great results, in my view, and that is why I have been writing about it, before I leave or dramatically scale back both.