"Clothes That Attract Women" (don't exist in and of themselves)
"Clothes That Attract Women" is a very good article, and it's so good that I don't have much to add (though I disagree somewhat about the attraction-to-comfort ratio the author implies is best). These paragraphs are especially good:
Status is the most important aspect of attraction and that can be on a broader scale – relationship to overall status in the world or in a tribe – or on a smaller scale – relationship to the woman you’re trying to attract.
Status is relative to women – they always want someone who’s higher status than they are
Status is tricky because it can be overall status or status within a particular subculture. In fact, the more isolated a particular subculture is, the less overall status within society at large matters.
It's hard to truly learn game because there is no single "status" button that all women will like. So seeking That One Answer for That One Girl will usually fail, because there isn't one answer.
This guy has also done some reading in the manosphere:
Meeting some minimum standards of status for men is the same thing as meeting minimum standards of beauty for women – which is typically why the happiest couples are paired fairly closely, with the man being higher in status than the woman.
A lot of what new guys are doing is learning how perceived status works at all and how to optimize what they have. A lot of experienced guys are learning how to boost their status and learn new skills and abilities, etc.
Clothes are one part of status. Social skills are another. Looks are another. Job / lifestyle / etc. is another. General skills (like cooking) can be another. I would argue that tolerance to social rejection is actually a big part of modern status (i.e. if you are willing to tolerate rejection by a lot of women you are also more likely to uncover women who actually like you). It took me about ten years to mostly get over my own fear of rejection and if I'd done so sooner I would've been much better off. I also ignored style for too long and paid for that.
I won't say the guy who writes Masculine Style is right for everybody but thinking consciously about what you want to project as a guy is a good idea.