"Call Her Daddy" the podcast, and what guys should take from it
Listened to CALL HER DADDY because of this, and the podcast feels more legit than expected... for example, the hosts refer to "Metoo bullshit" in one episode... normal people who like f**king, and who aren't caught up in their Cluster B personality disorders like Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), see "MeToo" as a power play by feminist harpies in the media and academia. By feminist harpies, and by older women who want to stigmatize the hot sex lives of young ones. Most chicks realize that f**king guys in authority positions, like bosses and professors, is hot... if it's consensual... normal guys don't try to make chicks do things the chicks aren't into, and normal guys feel out whether she's into it... the small number of crazies on both sides ruin things for the rest of us. Especially those crazy feminist harpies.
How much of the CALL HER DADDY audience is female and how much of it is guys jacking off to hot chicks talking about their sex lives? I'd like to know, but don't. The hosts talk a remarkable amount about making and disseminating sex tapes. Are the hosts posturing or for real? We have all heard hot girls loudly talking about f**king at parties for male attention, but not living up to their talk... I'd guess a lot of their "show host" mode is a persona, like most entertainers. Not saying this is bad... great entertainers make it look like it's easy, when it's not. The number of people who can build a podcast audience is way smaller than the number who'd like to. Despite being ostensibly pro sex, the CALL HER DADDY hosts do a lot of slut shaming, too... the number of girls who are truly pro sex is not huge, not even today. Top players encourage and facilitate female sexuality cause we know how the system works.
In the CALL HER DADDY episode "Every Man's Achilles Heel", the hosts cite the joy of bondage and how a guy's familiarity with bondage and restraint sets him apart from other guys... ahem... as you should know... one of them says adding a blindfold "took it to a whole f**kin' different level..." during sex... a blindfold! That's it! I conclude that a lot of guys are dumb or just ignorant... I feel like I learned this shit ages ago. Sex skills for guys are still sorely needed.
In the episode "The MILF Hunter" the guy who comes on has very decent game advice... and the girls like it... girls like game, practiced well. This guy seems to do game well. Good game doesn't look like game, instead it looks like social skills.
I do feel like girls, particularly younger ones, have gotten more openly carnal in the last five or six years. I used to think the cause to be social media, but maybe it's other stuff, too, like hot girls discussing f**king on podcasts making it okay. The change seems real. Like, when a girl first introduced me to sex parties and clubs, they seemed way more underground... there were fewer girls under age 25 who went regularly: now, there seem to be more... or there seemed to be more, pre-coronavirus. If you are a guy reading this, you should be ready for re-opening.
I'm only skimming the episodes... there is too much shrieking and filler for my taste... but as a cultural phenomenon CALL HER DADDY says something about the girls who love to f**k and are uninhibited about it and what they like. I have thought about doing a game/sex story interview podcast series... then I remind myself that being employed is better.
It takes me a while to figure out why CALL HER DADDY is kind of off... not by a lot, but by enough that I noticed... and I explain what I mean by this in more detail by the end... but: their podcast is kayfabe.
Neither host has a real job, it seems... and to lead the kind of drunken party and sex lives they do, it's hard to also have a job that pays rent, especially NYC rent. I guess now the podcast is their job, so that covers it. Most normal people... cannot have the kind of life they seem to project... and hold down a real job that will help they make real progress... so that stands out... take away the constraints of a real job and lots of other things become more possible, like staying out till 3 am many evenings/mornings, etc.
Two of the more popular podcasts about sex/comedy hosted by chicks, red scare and this one, CALL HER DADDY, both have realized that modern feminism is bullshit and f**king is fun... exactly what the New York Times doesn't get... and if you throw in another popular podcaster, Joe Rogan... it's like there's a real market for people who want to have honest conversations, conversations that are impossible to have in the rest of the media. That's a real positive development. Unfortunately, I have and want to keep a real job... so I am not going to be this guy... I care enough to write, but not enough to be a public figure martyr. Today, if you want your ideas to go big, it's probably not enough just to write... you need to speak as well... but I'm not positioned to be this guy... not and accomplish my other goals/aspirations. These two girls have pretty much eliminated their likely ability to form long-term relationships and have families with top men... something that may not matter to them now, but will probably matter to them.
One or both will probably do a 180 and repent when the time comes, like St. Augustine (reputing youthful folly is a time-honored method). You may have read "Last year, I ended a two-year relationship with a man who ultimately couldn’t commit and wanted to be polyamorous," concerning a woman, Julia Allison, who spent her 20s and then some living the "glamorous" life of f**king and being in a media figure in NYC. She's part of numerous marginal reality TV cultural projects... then she goes private, to be "a change activist, mounting summits for world leaders and serving as an adviser to startups and entrepreneurs looking to better the planet. I’m finally living a life of integrity, and I’m attuned to my values."
But she's been on the shelf too long, and the guys who were ravenous for her when she was 25 aren't ravenous for her at 35 or 40. It's relatively easy for hot girls in their 20s to make money off tales of their sexual exploits, but there's a finite time period in which to make this work. I'm now old enough to have watched the full cycle play out, as the women from my youth who put their entire identities and sometimes their incomes into their sexual capital... only to see that capital wash away, like tears in the rain...
If I were older I'd be tempted to a game podcast and say "Fuck it, I'm old enough not to hurt." But I'm not there and won't be for a couple decades. I'm old enough to f**k 18 - 22 year old girls, which connects me to the CALL HER DADDY demographic, but I'm also old enough to imagine a time, not in the distant future, when I won't be doing that... I'm old enough to connect to people who are 60, in a way very few modern 20 year olds can... so I'm a kind of link between a lot of demographics.
I bet they're either rich girls pretending not to be, or sex workers, or both... no shame on that game by the way... I admire the hustle... and I bet the sex worker thing is going to come out sooner or later... I like the talent agent who is dating one of them... it's like he's tapping her financial value... what a pimp! Also, they only had a three year contract... and are now turning on the very people who helped make them successful, which makes them f**king scum, sorry. One of them at least... live up to the terms of your contracts. If I tried to pull that shit in my business life I would become a fucking pariah, for good reason. It sounds like one of them forgot to dance with the one who brung her, and is probably going to pay for that. I bet there is a market for hot girls talking dirty... who will fill it... there is another podcast by shrieking feminist harpies I have heard, GUYS WE F**KED, but girls who are a little self-aware and ethical don't want to be associated with what feminism has become: a plea by upper-middle-class white women for special privileges because they don't want to compete in the real world.
So, despite the positive stuff... it took me a while to figure out why I found some of the podcast a little silly and distasteful... it's because there's a bit of underlying current of dishonesty in what they're doing... which is okay because that's true of what a LOT of people are doing... but I notice this, too: they're not really trying to be monogamous and develop real relationships, but they're also not really trying to be authentically non-monogamous. Someone who is trying to develop real relationships doesn't have to spend 20 hours debating the ethics and etiquette of hookups... and doesn't have to work so hard at timing sexts/nudes/etc.... and someone who wants to f**k around a lot, is going to admit non-monogamy, and practice that. The chicks in the podcast don't really do either. They're probably closer to practicing hypergamy: they'll consider a relationship with a ridiculously attractive, high-powered guy... but if he reciprocates their interest... then he's probably not that attractive after all.
To use myself as an example, once I've f**ked a girl at least once and particularly a few times... the amount of gamesmanship I do drops super low... and that's been true since I was in college, because I'd rather focus on my career and doing other things than trying to minutely game how to "trap" a girl (the girls on the podcast talk a lot about how to "trap" guys, but the guys they get, they then don't want...). Like if I want to see her I invite her over for dinner, and the implied sex. Going out and getting drunk with a bunch of random fools who are 3/4-but-not-all-the-way exerting mating effort has never appealed to me... I am just the right person to find sex clubs appealing, since they have a bunch of the virtues of "going out" without many of the costs. I could keep railing on this subject but it has been done to death all over. Relationships, even repeated medium-term relationships, are good for building a career because you spend less time seeking sex, evaluating sex partners, etc., and more time building real skills, making connections, etc.
Girls who really want relationships, get them, and don't spend the ridiculous time hooking up these two girls do, or say they do. This is not a slur against hooking up! It would be funny if it were, given my own history. They also manage to be hot and pretty good on the mic... many people manage to do one or the other... they do both... and they are talking about topics that are of great interest to lots of people but don't often get discussed with the level of directness we see here, even if the discussion is probably not as honest as I'd like. Directness has much to be said for it... I have f**ked a bunch of girls like these girls and I like them. I think the girls themselves haven't managed to define their true goals... they can't be fully honest with listeners because they're not fully honest themselves. What they crave most is excitement and strive to manufacture it. The excitement is the goal. They don't want real relationships but can't bring themselves to say it, or, if they do want real relationships, they can't bring themselves to do the things they'd do to get them.
Basically, their podcast is kayfabe. Extremely entertaining, like professional wrestling, and I'm not opposing kayfabe, but let's understand what it is. That CALL HER DADDY may speak to a large number of women, is interesting to a student of female psychology.
Their problems are also going to get worse over time: no man with real career aspirations will marry either one. Bringing your wife, who's bragged about f**king dozens of guys, to a business dinner or event, is a non-starter. Neither of them will be able to get most professional jobs... they can work in various low-level "marketing" gigs, but those are the same gigs most women age out of around 30 - 35. Lots of girls have colorful pasts but, as noted above, many will do a repentance thing and be okay... unless they've created copious documentary evidence of that past. Lots of girls have their nudes leaked, but these days that's all part of the game. These two have created relationship and professional liabilities for themselves... and the way out is by taking the better deals that have apparently been offered to them.
By now they may have alienated too many listeners... and their main source of material appears to be going out to bars, getting drunk, and hooking up... which is not available during coronavirus season... and may not be available for six months or more... and their audience wants to hear about that and do the same for themselves... but can't... and may not be able to for six months or more... this is not a wise time to have a big public spat.
All that said I have heard many girls talk in private like these two do, and surfacing that discourse has real value. Can it be sustained? I dunno, maybe. They are entertaining but as I write this "Total nonfarm payroll employment fell by 20.5 million in April, and the unemployment rate rose to 14.7 percent." Holy shit we might be on the verge of a 2nd great depression, and it is much more palatable to focus on getting drunk and hooking up with hot guys in big cities when the unemployment rate is below 4.7 percent than when it may hit 20%... or higher. Most girls in their demographic can't go to parties right now and many are living at home... making their whole appeal much less "relatable."