"But this other guy says..."
There's a genre of response to game and RP writing that goes, "But this other guy says x and you say y, what gives? Is he right? Don't you want to be right?" Some guy read "Anyone doing any online dating needs to learn basic photography skills" and also read others saying the opposite.
Don't believe everything you read online and try things yourself. In my view, "Red Pill" thinking is about giving guys the tools to think about their lives and make the changes necessary to succeed—whatever "success" means in their life. If online dating works, and it's hard to do well for all but the absurdly attractive, then great. If it doesn't, then don't do it. I've learned through a lot of trial and error what works and what doesn't. Over more than a decade I've built up the photography skills and lifestyle to make it work for me. Sometimes, somewhat.
What do you need? I have no idea. I've never met you and know zero about you. Life is so full of richness and context that I see these absurd threads online where guys ask this or that, and often I'm like, "Without knowing so, so much more about you, I have no idea." That's part of the reason I like game writers who also write books: the good books break down so much material in a way that can't be done in 300 word chunks on forums.
I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life, but I am sharing some of the things I've learned or think I've learned. Some of them are probably wrong, which is why you need to try things for yourself. I also have weaknesses of my own and am sure that my own game is technically weaker than many of the guys in the sidebar. That's why they're listed in the sidebar.
I'm not a woman screeching about how the other guy is WRONG WRONG WRONG and don't you think so too, Katelyn, right, tell me Katelyn, how WRONG is that?!? Like I said, try things for yourself. Think for yourself. I don't have all the answers. I am not a guru. I can only encourage you to read for yourself, think about your goals, and take action to pursue them. You will learn more from one hour on the streets than in ten hours of reading guys online.
Any kind of success in a significant field comes from the mastery of many details. It's rarely, maybe never, the single detail that matters. It's putting them together the right way. That's why most guys who write about game emphasize style, fit, hobbies, development, storytelling, escalation, overcoming AA, getting finances in order, lifting, logistics, and a couple of other topics. Lots of guys get one or two of those things right. Putting them all together in the right way is what wins.