"Author Robin Rinaldi’s open marriage experiment ends in divorce and a memoir"
I'm on the record recommending that men not marry. I'm also on the record recommending sex clubs and open relationships as part of a guy's game repertoire. But if a guy is going to ignore my advice about marriage, he should also avoid sex clubs. Sex clubs and partner swapping is great in a low-stakes relationship. Chicks don't respect relationships or monogamy today anyway, so leveraging a hot chick in order to more easily have sex with other hot chicks makes sense.
In a marriage, however, the woman holds all the cards because she can easily divorce a man and take half his assets and a fair amount of his money going forward. Marriage gives a woman all the leverage and leaves a man with none. "Author Robin Rinaldi’s open marriage experiment ends in divorce and a memoir" is a demonstration of why a married man should not do open relationships:
So began the San Francisco magazine writer’s year of living lustfully. Week nights, she rendezvoused with lovers at her downtown apartment or at a coed commune dedicated to sexual expression. Weekends she spent cozily at home with her husband, a man she loved and had been with for 18 years.
Granted, in this case, they would have divorced eventually anyway. I'm not going to analyze the whole piece through an evolutionary biology, Red Pill lens (the many Red Pill elements are obvious), but I'm going to leave it here as an example of the hazards a man faces in a contemporary marriage.
To my mind, a man who wants kids today should just pick a woman, have kids with her, and get the kids DNA tested. She may eventually leave and sue for child support, which sucks, but it's better to pay only child support, instead of child support AND alimony.
The marriage contract (and it is a contract) is brutal, unfair, one-sided, and in need of reform.