Around the web, with romantic mechanics and dating market structures
Are you lying to yourself, first?
Trying out something new today.
* Building and Entertaining Couples. As summarized on Twitter, “are you looking for a partner to build with or be entertained by? Make sure you're not confusing one for the other.” Or make sure you are confusing one for the other and lying first to yourself about what’s up. For most of my life I’ve been seeking entertainment. Pickup guys emphasize entertainment, which is appropriate, but also almost never explicitly mentioned. Being too entertaining can turn off builder-girls. Most guys are not nearly entertaining enough, particularly at first meeting, so game teaches us to be more intriguing and less like every other dull boring guy out there. Women who want builder guys are served well by the dating market, women who want entertaining guys are not.
* Madd Monk’s “failed juggling act.” I personally would call it his “learning experience.” If you read the post after that one you will see what happened to him.
* Red Pill Dad argues that “female communication is a psy-op.”
* Bride inflation, Tinder and the derangements of modern dating: Wife Economics and the Domestication of Man. Very interesting, but, also I disagree with some moments, which you can see in the comments... "Beauty” is only ubiquitous to high-status men: a small share of men. They're the ones scoping up most of the brown-eyed waitresses. "High-status men" or "elite men" could also use some more defining and refining: it's often not about money. A lot of guys without any money sleep with hot chicks, and a lot of guys with money don't. Game can help some guys unlock commodification and abundance, but we are in the minority.
* Breeze’s lessons from rambling.
* Couple-to-couple dating mechanics, and keeping a texting roster for sex clubs.
* The need to prioritize family (the “f-word” of the title), and for women to turn aside from hypergamy, and for men to turn aside from video games... but can we do that without larger social structures to help us do so?,
The ability to order Domino’s Pizza on every delivery service and dedicated app, delivered in 30 minutes or less, allows people not to be without two five-topping pizzas for just five ninety-nine each, and it also explains why people with such increased choices aren’t as slim as they would like. That’s the real reason. That’s an explanation. Recall our meanderings on entropy above.
There just aren’t many women who set out to be childless and unhappy at 30, any more than anyone of them who are also fat and unhappy intended to do that, either. Humans are imperfect and make many decisions in the moment which come to catch up with them. The perpetual +20 lbs of a somewhat overweight person isn’t a fixed mass or a sudden addition. It accretes over time, with decisions about what to eat or not. Life is like that. Disorder, entropy, is like that.
* No Hookups, No 'Talking,' and No Breakups: A Better Way to Date... except that, if we’re being honest, a lot of people are dating to f**k, not to have great longterm relationships + families. Lots of people would be well pleased to be with someone in the top 5 per cent or top 10 per cent of their range. Lots of women can get those guys for sex but not so much for relationships. In sex and dating, everyone lies… attractive women who don’t lie, who compromise reasonably, and who actually want to be in relationships and have families don’t have problems getting what they want. They also aren’t the ones making all the media noise… they’re busy building the next generation. They’re not Twitter because what would they need Twitter for? The media ecosystem consists overwhelmingly of singletons, casual daters, and spinsters, which skews what gets talked about.
* Krauser bangs his first 21 year old Serbian volleyball player.
Do you like posts like this, that link to other posts? Hate them? Please say so in the comments because I am experimenting with format and content. Anything I’ve missed? Let me know.
Good post. More like this when you have a sufficient number of links to merit a post would be appreciated. Here because I respect your voice and analysis; nice to see your recommendations and what is influencing your thought as an aspect of that.
I concur with Ant here. My opinion is that there is a lot information out there, and there's more value in giving an opinion on the good and bad points of an article vetted for its value to accompany an article than to search for an article worth reading, now that most popular search algorithms have been gamed by websites with subpar content that abuse the ability to artificially elevate in the search results.