A week in the life of the beta male
I am not fond of the ubiquitous "alpha" and "beta" male labels, yet sometimes they just fit, as they do with this week in the life of a subsidized beta male. There are two notable things in this story, or, I should say, absent from this story: the gym never appears and cold approaching never appears. This guy could likely improve his life substantially through both. He doesn't, and he doesn't understand chicks, so he is a safe, boring choice for chicks who have nothing better to do. He has a fake, girl-like job, and that fake, girl-like job should give him some access to chicks but he seems not to leverage it. This is a guy who needs to learn to stop hiding his dick.
He lets a Tinder date come over, sleep in his bed, and he doesn't bother f**king her. No wonder she's unimpressed and disappointed. She came over to get f**ked and he couldn't even do that. This is an example of "what not to do;" if a chick comes over to your apartment to spend the night, she wants to get f**ked. He seems to be getting some sex but he lacks the fundamentals and killer instinct needed to consistently f**k, and f**k hotter chicks.
At age 18 or 20 this guy's mistakes could be seen as part of growing up, but at age 30 they are pretty sad.